Automated Monorail Upgrade

West Crane Services recently completed a complete upgrade and modernisation of an Automated Monorail System in Ballarat, Victoria.
After completing the service and preventative maintenance works on the system for many years. We had a great understanding of our customers’ needs and requirements for the upgrades. Resulting in supplying the best product and solutions for the job. The main 2 requirements for the upgrade were to improve the safety, and the efficiency of the hoists and system. We then worked closely with our supplier PWB Kito to design a custom version of their ER2 Chain Hoists. This included a custom designed rotary limit system, enabling the hoists limits to be integrated with the automated features of the monorail system. We then designed and manufactured a new electrical control panels for each hoist.
Once the Hoists arrived, they were fitted out in our Laverton Workshop with all the bells and whistles. Including overload limiters, load cells with individual load displays and automated limits. All being connected to an individual data logging system. As part of the customers’ requirements the data logging system was installed with ability to send alerts of overloads and potential hazards direct to the supervisors, ensuring the safety of the system and the operators. Finally, the hoists were equipped with wireless remote control systems. These remotes where installed in pairs with the ability to operate hoists individually or as a pair.
After the hoist fit outs were completed they were tested and commissioned in our workshop before they headed to Ballarat. With 24 hoists in total to be installed, our team worked extremely closely with our customer to ensure the hoists where installed safely and did not compromise their production. Installing in sets of 8 we were able to complete installation, commissioning, and additional on-site testing ahead of time.